Monday, December 1, 2014

(CORRECTION)The Real Stories of Two Legion Founders Passing Away: Javier Orozco Camarena and Gregorio Lopez

A former Legionary and friend  told the blogger of the passing of two of the Legion of Christ "co-founders"

As usual  their passing  may be greeted with glowing testimonials on the LC official pages which will almost elevate these two co- founders to the altars. Fr. Orozco loved German Shephard dogs so it is appropriate that he should be pictured with one.

Apparently a book has been written about the Legionary, Fr. Gregory:

Book Title: Father Gregorio, A Legionary's  Life of Surrender (a key word in LC/RC vocabulary;  "A Life Offered Up" "A Life in Oblation")   The blogger does not doubt that anyone associated with Malignant Narcissist Maciel would have suffered a lot.

Here is some of the nitty-gritty reality.

Fr Gregorio, Spaniard,  the older; he seems to have been almost the same age as the young Maciel who recruited him  in Comillas in the 1940s, a Jesuit-run seminary in the province of Santander, Northern Spain.


Por mi experiencia te puedo decir, digan lo que digan, que era una hombre de pro, gran compañero y que nunca se plegó a las amenazas o chantajes del P. Maciel.
Varias veces, enfrente de nosotros, cuando estábamos de prefectos en el Instituto Cumbres, se le enfrentó con valentía pasó nada a pesar de las amenazas que dirigió Maciel. Para mí fue un buen sacerdote y excelente compañero.

(From my experience I can say, no matter what other may opine, that he was a decent man, a great companion and one who never gave in to Maciel's threats or blackmail. Several times, when we were Prefects of Discipline at the the Instituto Cumbres,  he bravely confronted Maciel...and nothing ever happened to him despite Maciel's threats. For me, he was a good priest and an excellent companion.)

 He was the principal of Legion schools for most of his career and was well known and well liked by the students from the upper classes that he supervised.
He was also well liked by the parents. He delivered spiritual talks to the rich ladies from Lomas de Chapultepec where the Legion's seminal Instituto Cumbres was located; together with Fr. Alfonso Samaniego and Faustino Pardo, R.I.P,  he laid the foundation for what would eventually become the Women's Section of the Regnum Christi Movement.

 Gregorio was often put down in front of the Legion community by Maciel for his lack of etiquette and good manners -a quality that pseudo-aristocrat Maciel highly prized. As he got older good Fr. Gregorio was reduced to celebrating marriages and funerals for the rich and famous. He was relegated to a community of senior priests on Ahumada Villagran in Polanco, Mexico DF where he would not be in the forefront of the conquering Legion forces and PR efforts.

Javier Orozco, a Mexican, was from a later generation, being ordained in the 60s. Apparently he was one of Maciel's favorites, at least for a while, and was given many posts as superior and "formator" during his Legion career. It would appear that for unknown reasons at one point Maciel shafted him to Quintana Roo Missions. For several years he was  pastor ,"the Patriarch of Cozumel." He built a beautiful church there with local materials from Mass offerings and possibly with donations from some of his personal benefactors. (In the early years, Legionaries were encouraged by Maciel to have personal benefactors, rather benefactresses, to provide financial support for their studies. Some of these ladies were very rich and contributed large amounts to the expanding and ever ambitious and obsessive controller, Nuestro Padre Maciel). It could be that Javier kept some of these benefactresses to help him with his apostolic endeavors -something that Maciel would never have allowed as he wanted to have all the financial reins in his hands. Would this be one of the reasons Javier was shafted?

Read on about the intrigues of the Legion of Christ, their con-man founder and his merry band of thieves..

As regards these two Maciel victims,  MAY THEY REST IN PEACE; QUE DESCANSEN EN PAZ

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Fr. Miguel Romeo, LC, passes away in tragic accident in Switzerland

 Foto: Please pray for the eternal rest of Fr. Miguel Romeo, LC, who has left this life to meet the Lord.  He passed away in a bicycle accident on November 14, 2014, in Les Avants, Switzerland, where he was serving as the chaplain of Le Chatelard Oak International Academy.   Fr. Miguel participated as an elected delegate in the Legion of Christ’s extraordinary general chapter in January and February of 2014.   
An on-line book has been set up at for remembrances and condolences from anyone who would like to record experiences they shared with Fr. Miguel, or offer their prayers and support.

We entrust our brother to the Lord’s mercy, that he may enjoy eternal friendship with Christ in heaven.  May he rest in peace!

Though no friend of the institution this unfortunate death of a good Legionary fills me with sadness:

Here is the official link

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Former Legionary Prest, Sabin, Remains in Merida, Yucatan where he is involved in the political arena.

The official story re the EXIT OF PROMINENT LEGIONARY Fr Sabin stated that he returned to his native Spain. Maybe that is what the Legion wanted him to do.
According by blogger's info Fr. Sabin will reside in the city of Merida and will be engaged in political activities.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fr. Jose Maria Sabin, LC, LEAVES LEGION AND PRIESTHOOD, rector of the Mayab University in Merida, Mexico

Heard it through the grapevine 
that big knob LC, erstwhile rector of the Anahuac del Mayab, the Legion of Christ's University in beautiful Merida, Yucatan, Mexico left the Legion recently and returned without explanation of goodbyes to his native Spain. 

Apparently his move happened very suddenly surprising his students and families in Merida 
Legionaries at the leadership meeting in Cancun, Sept 9th, were informed of this event

Fr. Sabin, according to the report below from one of his disenchanted confreres had been the Rector at the Anahuac Mayab for many years and had been a big mover in the expansion of the UNID (Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo) in Southeast Mexico.

Ayer martes 9 sep 2014, en reunión de legionarios en Cancún, la cúpula legionaria dijo que la haberse hecho público, se comunicaba a los legionarios que el famoso padre José María Sabin, durante muy lago tiempo rector de la universidad Mayab Anáhuac de Mérida y gran promotor de la apertura de sedes de la universidad interamericana para el desarrollo unid en el sureste de la república mexicana,
ha dejado la Legión de Maciel y el sacerdocio.
Sin más se comunico el regreso del padre Sabin a su España natal.

This news was signed by, Legionary on the High Wire, Father

Pablo Pérez Guajardo
Sacerdote católico
Cel 984 100 06 37

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Legionary Priest, Brian Fagan, RIP

an active LC once in power under the Master of the Game has shared with us the sad news of the passing of a dear Legionary of Christ, Dublin born Fr. Brian Fagan who joined the Legion in the late 60s. He would have been in his mid 60s. He had been ill for some time in a nursing home in Mexico City and died of a massive heart attack. I imagine the LC and RC will feature this gentle man on their web pages. He had devoted his whole life to the service of the Legion, the Church and the Salvation of Souls. R.I.P.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"Perplexed and sad...the Legion continues to lie and manipulate" Testimony of Leaving Legionary in English, Spanish and French

 Pbro José Ignacio Martín Sánchez

 I need to share with all my friends this news: at the beginning of this month I requested from the General Director of the Legionaries of Christ my definitive exit from the Congregation, after a year and a half of discernment of my future in the religious life. God willing, once the paperwork is done, I will become part of the diocesan clergy, incardinated into the diocese of Getafe, Madrid, Spain.

I am taking this irrevocable decision with deep peace and serenity; fully conscious that I want to begin a new voyage to imitate Christ as a priest.

But I cannot hide my perplexity and my sadness which at times fill my soul as I experience, even after the General Chapter of the Legionaries of Christ, their so called renewal continues to be based on falsehood, manipulation of the consciences and freedom of many people of good will inside and outside the Congregation and the Regnum Christi.

I humble beg you to pray for my final perseverance in the faith and in the priesthood. But, above all, that you pray to the Blessed Virgin to protect the Holy Catholic Church from all those who attack her with their crimes, their frivolous  coverups, harming the faith and the hope of the souls of the faithful.

With Fond Affection,
Jose Ignacio Martin Sanchez
June 15th, 2014, Solemn Feast of the Holy Trinity.

 (Original Spanish)

Necesito compartir con todos mis amigos una noticia: a inicios de este mes he solicitado al director general de los Legionarios de Cristo mi salida definitiva de la Congregación, después de año y medio de discernimiento sobre mi futuro en la vida religiosa. Dios mediante, una vez finalizados los trámites, formaré parte del clero diocesano, incardinado en la Diócesis de Getafe, Madrid, España.
Tomo esta decisión irrevocable con profunda paz y serenidad; plenamente consciente de que deseo emprender esta nueva singladura para imitar a Cristo como sacerdote.
Pero no os oculto mi perplejidad y la tristeza que embargan por momentos mi alma al comprobar que, incluso después del Capítulo General de los legionarios de Cristo, su presunta renovación sigue sustentada en la mentira, la manipulación de las conciencias y de la libertad de muchas personas de buena voluntad tanto fuera como dentro de la Congregación y su Movimiento Regnum Christi.
Os pido humildemente una oración por mi perseverancia final en la fe y en el sacerdocio. Pero, sobre todo, que oréis mucho para que la Virgen proteja a la Santa Iglesia Católica de todos quienes atentan contra ella con sus crímenes, sus frívolos ocultamientos y encubrimientos, dañando la fe y la esperanza de las almas de sus fieles.
Con afecto y cariño, José Ignacio Martín Sánchez
15 de junio de 2014, Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad.

(French Translation)
Je ressens le besoin de partager avec tous mes amis cette nouvelle: au début du mois, j’ai demandé au Directeur Général des Légionnaires du Christ de quitter de façon définitive la congrégation, après avoir discerné depuis un an et demi sur mon avenir dans la vie religieuse. Ainsi, si Dieu le veut, lorsque j’aurai achevé toutes les formalités, je rejoindrai le clergé diocésain et je serai incarné dans le diocèse de Getafe, à Madrid (Espagne).

Je prends cette décision irrévocable dans la paix et la sérénité; je suis pleinement conscient que je désire me lancer dans cette nouvelle aventure pour suivre, comme prêtre, l’exemple du Christ.

Mais je ne vous cache pas ma perplexité et ma tristesse lorsque je découvre, après le chapitre général des Légionnaires du Christ, censé avoir été une « rénovation », que celle-ci continue à vivre dans le mensonge, la manipulation des consciences et la manipulation de tant de personnes de bonne volonté, tant à l’intérieur de la congrégation qu’à l’extérieur, ainsi que dans son mouvement, Regnum Christi.

Je vous demande humblement une prière pour m’aider à rester fidèle dans la foi et dans le sacerdoce. Mais, surtout, je vous demande de prier pour que la Sainte Vierge protège la Sainte Eglise Catholique de tous ceux qui la menacent avec leurs crimes, qui dissimulent et qui étouffent leur frivolité, endommageant ainsi la foi et l’espérance de leurs fidèles.

Avec toute mon affection,
Père José Ignacio Martin Sanchez
15 juin 2014
En la solennité de la Très Sainte Trinité

Thursday, March 27, 2014

(Update) Wherabouts of Irish Legionaries of Christ - exclusive info

After posting the original blog entry the blogger received the following info from a reliable source:
(Edited) I didn’t see Fr Declan Creighton’s name on the list – he’s in Connecticut working in a parish but still an LC.  He’s a contemporary of Fr Peter Byrne.  Both Peter and Declan are probably  55 this year not 52 as your document suggests.  Anthony Bannon is in Mexico, not Ireland.  I understand Jude Furlong (70) is in Dublin not Rome.

The blogger notes that he is not sure where Fr. Declan Creighton is...The approximate, and sometimes speculative, nature of the data illustrate how hard it is to gather concrete and specific info re Legion members, their whereabouts and their status vis a vis the Legion, the priesthood, etc.


Data contributed by recently discharged Spanish member and other sources

Blogger notes that in his opinion ages are 2-3 year behind; as in all the first 6 entries are now about 70 years of age; basically the first generation of Irish going back to July 1, 1961, Bundoran, Co. Donegal

NameAgeBirth place
Lives in

Raymond Comiskey69DublinMerida, Yuc
Thomas Moylan68DublinCancún???
Jude Furlong67DublinRoma
John Devlin67DublinHouston
Fintan Lawless67DublinBrasil
Mons. Brian Farrell67DublinVaticano
Patrick Corrigan67DublinMisiones - Chetumal
Thomas White65DublinCA, USA
David Owen65DublinMonterrey
Brian Wilson64DublinMérida
Anthony Bannon63DublinIreland
Hugh Ryan63DublinRoma
James McCluskey63DublinXalapa, Mexico
James Mckenna63DublinMonterrey, Mexico
Owen Kearns62DublinCheshire, USA
Donal Clancy62DublinMéxico
Brian Fagan61DublinMéxico
Fintan Kelly60Dublin?
Donal O'Keeffe59DublinWashington
Michael Pakenham57DublinMisiones - Chetumal
Dermot Ryan57DublinRoma
Gerard Heaslip54DublinMéxico
Patrick Langan52DublinCheshire
Edward McNamara49DublinRoma
Feargal O'Duill42DublinDublín
Seamus Mc Cabe39DublinMéxico
Patrick Walsh55CorkBrasil
John Monaghan64BelmulletMisiones - Cancún
Patrick O'Connell58BelmoudenLeón, Mexico?
Dominic Farrell37An DúnRoma
Eamon Kelly55TubberJerusalem
Eamonn Shelly39TipperaryHouston, USA
Joseph Gillespie49St. JohnstonDetroit, USA
Cathal Deveney42PortadownIrish diocese?
Patrick McMenamin58OmaghMonterrey, Mexico
Michael Ryan65New RossRoma
Michael Grealy51LondonMéxico
Donal Corry67LimerickRoma
Bennet Tierney56LimerickGermany
John Walsh67
Bernard Quinn65
Misiones - Playa Carmen
Vincent McMahon64
John O'Reilly64
Accused in Chile
Patrick Barry63
Cotija, Mexico
Peter Coates62
Monterrey, Meico
Raymund Cosgrave61
Daniel McCallion58
Martin Flynn55
Michael Duffy53
Eamonn O'Higgins48
Darren Brennan33
Dublín ???
Peter Byrne52(5)DublinDublín ???
Robert Sloan35DownPatrickDublín ??? (County Antrim?)