Monday, November 28, 2011

Former Legionaries Paul Moreau and Larry Niese in Diocese of Atlanta

Father Larry Niese greets family members during the funeral Mass Friday at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Woodstock.

Fr. Paul Moreau/Fr. Larry Niese pastor in Woodstock greeting faithful at funeral

Fr Paul Moreau, former LC, has been assigned to St Michael the Archangel with Fr Larry Niese ( who has been very vocal about his criticism of the LC).

St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church Updated in the last 60 days!
490 Arnold Mill Road
Woodstock, GA 30188 US
Mailing Address:
490 Arnold Mill Road
Woodstock, GA  30188
Name:Pastor Rev. Larry Niese
Phone:(770) 516-0009
Fax:(770) 516-4664
Email:Contact Us
Father Larry Niese, Pastor
Parish Details
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Roman Rite
Primary Language: English

Monday, October 10, 2011

Wide-Eyed Candidate Vs Victim of Abuse by Legion of Christ Priest

Relata refero

An LC with a music page on facebook has talked about a great weekend by a lake with his LC brothers jet skiing and hiking etc It made me a bit nauseous and I left a comment. Maybe I was a bit rude, but it just gets at me....

I hope that everyone is doing well. God is very good. I just got back from Alabama where myself and 15 other brothers and priests had a weekend at a lake house that is owned by a family friend of ours. The house had a beautiful view of Lake Martin. On Saturday I got to ride a jet ski for the first time in my life. These jet skis went 0-60mph in 8 seconds. It was quite a rush. As well I got to go cliff jumping, wake boarding, and knee boarding. Wow what a dream come true! God is so good to you when you follow his will in your life. He truly does reward those who follow him with 100 fold in this life and in the next. Pray for me!

"Great to see youre having fun, I wonder when the Legion will decide to pay any of the victims of Maciel? Do you know that not a single one has received any recompense? These boys and young men gave more than 100% to God - they gave away their whole lives and have only pain to show for it, and your wonderful Legion is doing nothing to help them. After asking your superiors about it, why not ask the victims themselves. They will not mind you getting in touch."

Victim of Legionary Priest

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Legionary in Cancun Rebukes Corcuera for Consorting with Maciel and his Consort

He's not missing or exited - did I say "exiled"? -, but he may soon be after writing the below to His Benign-ness, Superior General,  favorite of Popes and Apostolic Delegate, Fr. Alvaro Corcuera, LC

Blogger's preface: I apologize for the offensive language in this text; on the one hand it expresses the Legion priest's anger at Fr. Corcuera, Fr. Maciel, and the top brass; on the other it demonstrates the total lack of respect and sensitivity towards gays which reigns in the the Legion; on the third hand it belies utter ignorance regarding the differences between child sexual abuse, gross sexual exploitation, homo-sexual relationships between equals, and illicit hetero-sexual affairs...

(Down and dirty translation)

Cancun, September 29, 2011

St. Michael the Archangel Parish

FR Álvaro Corcuera, LC

Director General of the legionaries of Christ

Dear FR Alvaro Corcuera in Christ:

I am addressing you as worthy successor of Fr. Marcial Maciel. At the time I bow to your authority held by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI recognize that several of your acts have been inspired by the father of lies.

On last Monday 26 September 2011, in the Millennium TV program (9: 30 pm,)I could see you, then Vicar General and other superiors of the Congregation of the legionaries of Christ worship the corpse of our founding pederast. Let us note that a faggot was laid out with priestly vestments; a drug addict, drunk, womanizer , who mocked the upright, qualified by the Church on May 1, 2010 as an abuser, without scruples or religious feelings (unholy = he laughs of God).

Not only did he mock God, the Church and of us. You too and a number of major superiors have mocked the authority of the Pope by accompanying our founding pedophile in his travels with his concubine and sacrilegious daughter when according to the judgment of 19 May 2006 he should have left the Ministry and retired to a life of prayer and penance. Under the roof of the sumptuous mansion where our founding pederast lived day and night you, the then Vicar General and a series of higher ups, stayed together with with the whore and the sacrilegious daughter, embodied and enshrined.

Under the same roof you celebrated the Holy sacrifice of the Altar and maintained the sacrilegious relationship of our founding pederast with the concubine. How not to remember the summer of 2006 when you joined our founding pederast with the entire community of Rome to holiday in the Sorrento peninsula even though since the 2006 May 19  the order stood for him
to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance. At the end of the holiday period (in which our founder pederast alternated stays with religious and his sacrilegious women -put on record with photographs) he went to Rome waiting for permission from the Pope to attend the canonization of his uncle Archbishop Rafael Guízar Valencia which took place on Sunday October 15, 2006. Authorization failed because evil ecclesiastics wove a new Crown of thorns for the head of our founding pederast who humbly resigned himself to follow the ceremony on television in the company of some superiors. Nor the incontrovertible facts or documents of the Holy See will have convinced you and the major superiors that the truth does set us free.

Your lips have kissed the corpse of a false prophet whom you and the major superiors presented to us as Alter Christus (Another Christ) while he was in fact an Anti-Christ.
Father Álvaro, your hands have taken the hands of a rapist of children who received our vows of chastity.
You prescribed us prayers for our founding pedophile who died without asking for forgiveness.
I stay in the Legion because the Pope wants the Legion to follow until the full truth comes out.
The Legion is not repaired with changes of structures and constitutions, without effusion of blood there is no redemption; we need not votes of silence but to seek and accept martyrdom; enough now of Apostolic effectiveness and fruits, the Legion should be poor as Christ and Christ touching the poor. A poverty which is explained is not poverty, everyone knows what is to be poor and nobody wants to be poor except for headgear by the madness of the cross.
The Legion without poverty and martyrdom has no remedy, will continue to be under the influence of the father of lies.

Our founding pedophile taught us to flee the dangers, for example moved the legionaries of Mexico in the elections which would have given certain victory of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas; It was stated "we have no vocation for martyrdom".

Christ spilled his blood, the mercenary sees the Wolf coming, and flees.  We must be like the Good Shepherd, not cowardly fags as our founding pedophile whose sole criterion was money, just as it is for the current Legionary life which appropriately is summarized in the phrase "millionaires of Christ".

Father Álvaro if your lips that have kissed the body of the pederast should use the word humility -we do know that nobody beats the legionaries in humility, nor do we support those who lack "charity"- We are the hope of the Church and the epitome of the religious life according to Vatican II; all this owe to our founding pedophile, custodian of a unique charisma of whom we must be certain that God holds him in his Holy Glory, together with Mother Teresa, Saint Francis of Assisi and the choir of founders.

We the poor, stripped of lying, walk in truth. We abhor Marcial Maciel, we abandon Satan's Works and Seductions. Let us be partners of the truth cost what it may. (The Virgin) Mary was a woman so poor that she would be out of place at Regnum Christi meeting.

Server in Christ priest, Pablo Pérez


Traduction rapide de la lettre d'un prêtre LC du Mexique à Cancun
Cette lettre a été écrite à la suite d'une émission sur la Chaîne de TV mexicaine "Milenio" où était montrée à travers des photos nombreuses la vie qu'a mené Maciel entre sa comdamnation et sa mort . On l'y voit jusqu'à la fin entouré de la Cupula LC .
Devant ce scandale public, la Conférence des Evêques du Mexique a réagi en qualifant ces comportements d'affront à l'autorité du  pape  .

Cancún, 29  septembre   2011

San Miguel Arcángel

Au P. Álvaro Corcuera, L.C.
Directeur Général des Légionaires du Christ

Cher père Alvaro Corcuera dans le Christ

Je m’adresse  à vous en tant que digne successeur du p. Marcial Marciel . En même temps que je m’incline devant l’autorité du saint Père Benoit XVI, je reconnais que  plusieurs faits ont été inspirés par le père du mensonge .
Lundi dernier 26 septembre 2011, sur le programme de Milenio TV à 9h30, nous pouvions  vous voir ainsi que le Vicaire Général et d’autres supérieurs de la Congrégation des Légionnaires du Christ en train de vénérer le cadavre de notre fondateur pédéraste .
Nous constatons qu’un pédé, drogué, ivrogne, coureur et fabriquant de sentiments religieux  portait les vêtements sacerdotaux alors qu’il avait été décrété par l’Eglise délinquant, sans scrupules ni sans sentiments religieux (impie = qui se moque de Dieu)
Non seulement il se moquait de Dieu, de l’Eglise et de nous,  mais vous aussi et bon nombre de supérieurs majeurs se sont moqués de l’autorité du Pape  en accompagnant notre fondateur pédophile dans ses voyages avec la concubine et la fille sacrilège alors que la sentence du 19 mai 2006 ordonnait de s’abstenir de tout ministère et de se retirer dans une vie de prière et de pénitence .
Sous le  toit même de la somptueuse demeure dans laquelle  mourut notre fondateur pédéraste, le Vicaire Général et une série de supérieurs à côté de la maîtresse et de la fille sacrilège,    ainsi que des consacrés et des consacrées ont passé des nuits et des journées entières.
Sous le même toit  ils ont célébré le Saint Sacrifice et maintenu la relation sacrilège de notre fondateur pédéraste .
Comment ne pas se souvenir de l’été 2006 lorsque vous avec accompagné notre fondateur pédéraste avec toute la communauté de Rome pour les vacances dans la péninsule  de Sorrente sachant que depuis le 19 mai de cette année là pesait l’ordre selon lequel il devait se retirer dans une vie de prière et de pénitence
A la fin de cette période de vacances (pendant laquelle notre fondateur pédéraste alternait détente avec des religieux et  détente avec sa femme sacrilège se laissant photographier) il passa à Rome espérant du pape  la permission  d’ assister à la canonisation de son oncle Mgr Rafaël Guzar y Valencia qui avait lieu le dimanche 15 Octobre 2006.  Autorisation qui ne lui fut pas accordée parce que de méchants éclésiastiques  avaient tissé une nouvelle couronne d’épines sur la tête de notre fondateur pédéraste et qu’il se résigna humblement à suivre la cérémonie à la TV en compagnie de quelques supérieurs .
Ni les faits incontournables ni les documents du Saint Siège vous ont convaincu vous et les supérieurs majeurs que la vérité rendait libres .
Vos lèvres ont baisé le cadavre du faux prophète que vous et les supérieurs majeurs nous ont présenté comme un Alter Christus alors qu’il était un Ante-Christ .
Père Alvaro vos mains ont pris les mains mortes d’un violeur d’enfants qui a reçu nos vœux de chasteté .
Vous n’avez pas demandé de prières pour notre fondateur pédophile qui mourut sans demander pardon .
Je reste à la légion parce que le Pape veut que la Légion continue jusqu’à ce que la vérité entière sorte .
Cette légion ne se réforme pas avec des changements de structures et de Constituions . Sans effusion de sang  il n’y a pas de rédemption, nous ne demandons pas des vœux de silence mais la recherche et l’acceptation du martyr .  Il y a eu assez d’efficacité apostolique et de fruits, la Légion doit être pauvre comme le Christ et toucher les pauvres comme le Christ . Une pauvreté qui s’explique n’est pas pauvreté  tout le monde sait ce qu’est être pauvre et personne ne cherche à être pauvre sauf celui qui est touché par la folie de la Croix .
La Légion sans la pauvreté et sans le martyr n’a pas de remède,  elle continuera sous l’influence du père du Mensonge .
Notre fondateur pédophile nous à montré comment fuir les danger, par exemple il fait sortir les légionnaires du Mexique quand se donnait pour certaine la victoire de Cauhtémoc Cardenas . Il affirma alors : « nous n’avons pas la vocation du martyr ».
 Le Christ a répandu son sang . Le mercenaire voit venir le loup et s’enfuit, nous devons être comme le Bon Pasteur, non pas des pédés couards ainsi que l’était notre pédophile fondateur dont le critère central et  unique était l’argent comme cela est pour la vie actuelle légionnaire qui se résume dans l’expression adéquate « millionnaires du Christ ».
Père Alvaro avec vos lèvres qui ont baisé le cadavre du pédéraste vous prononcez le mot humilité, oui nous le savons, nous légionnaires, personne gagne en humilité ((traduction ?) et  personne ne supporte ceux qui manquent à la chasteté, nous  sommes l’espérance de l’Eglise et la réalisation de la vie religieuse selon  Vatican II, tout cela nous le devons à notre fondateur pédophile dépositaire d’un charisme unique grâce auquel nous sommes sûrs que Dieu  le  met au rang  de Mère Teresa,  de Saint François d’Assise et du chœur des fondateurs
Soyons pauvres, libérez-nous du mensonge, faites-nous cheminer dans la vérité .  Abhorrons Marcial  Maciel ,  renonçons à Satan, à ses œuvres et à ses séductions, soyons des coopérateurs de la Vérité, coûte que coûte . Marie fut une femme si pauvre que jamais elle n’aurait pu assister à une réunion de Regnum Christi .
Pablo Pérez, prêtre, serviteur du Christ

> Cancún, 29 de septiembre de 2011
> San Miguel Arcángel
> P. Álvaro Corcuera, L.C.
> Director General de los Legionarios de Cristo
> Estimado en Cristo, P. Álvaro Corcuera:
> Me dirijo a usted como digno sucesor del p. Marcial Maciel. Al tiempo que me inclino ante su autoridad sostenida por el Santo Padre el Papa Benedicto XVI reconozco que varios de sus actos han sido inspirados por el padre de la mentira.
> > El pasado lunes 26 de septiembre 2011, en el programa de Milenio TV (9:30 pm) pudimos verle a usted, al entonces Vicario General y a otros superiores de la Congregación de los Legionarios de Cristo venerar el cadáver de nuestro pederasta fundador.
> > Constatamos que fue amortajado con vestiduras sacerdotales un maricón, drogo, borracho, mujeriego y jugador de sentimientos religiosos canonizado por la Iglesia el 1 de mayo de 2010 como delincuente, sin escrúpulos y sin sentimientos religiosos (impío = que se ríe de Dios).
> > No sólo él se rió de Dios, de la Iglesia y de nosotros, también usted y buen número de superiores mayores se han burlado de la autoridad del Papa al acompañar a nuestro pedófilo fundador en sus viajes con la concubina y la hija sacrílega cuando a tenor de la sentencia del 19 de mayo de 2006 debía abstenerse del ministerio y retirarse a una vida de oración y penitencia.
> > Bajo el mismo techo de la suntuosa mansión en que murió nuestro pederasta fundador han vivido día y noche usted, el entonces Vicario General y una serie de superiores junto a la barragana y la hija sacrílega, consagradas y consagrados.
> > Bajo el mismo techo han celebrado el Santo Sacrificio del Altar y mantenido la relación sacrílega de nuestro pederasta fundador con su manceba.
> > Cómo no recordar el verano del 2006 cuando usted acompañó a nuestro pederasta fundador con toda la comunidad de Roma a las vacaciones en la península de Sorrento siendo que desde el 19 de mayo de ese 2006 pesaba la orden de que se retirara a vida de oración y penitencia.
> > Al concluir el período vacacional (en el que nuestro pederasta fundador alternaba estancias con religiosos y con su sacrílega mujer dejando constancia con fotografías) pasó a Roma esperando el permiso del Papa para asistir a la canonización de su tío Mons. Rafael Guízar y Valencia que tuvo lugar el domingo 15 de octubre 2006. Autorización que no llegó porque malignos eclesiásticos tejieron una nueva corona de espinas sobre la cabeza de nuestro pederasta fundador que humildemente se resignó a seguir la ceremonia desde la televisión en compañía de algunos superiores.
> > Ni los hechos incontrovertibles ni los documentos de la Santa Sede le han convencido a usted y a los superiores mayores que la verdad no hace libres.
> > Sus labios han besado el cadáver de un falso profeta que usted y los superiores mayores nos han presentado como Alter Christus siendo un Anti-Cristo.
> > Padre Álvaro sus manos han tomado las manos muertas de un violador de niños que recibió nuestros votos de castidad.
> > Usted nos ha prescrito oraciones por nuestro pedófilo fundador que murió sin pedir perdón.
> > Yo sigo en la Legión porque el Papa quiere que la Legión siga hasta que salga la verdad completa.
> > Esta Legión no se repara con cambios de estructuras y Constituciones, sin efusión de sangre no hay redención, requerimos no de votos de silencio sino de búsqueda y aceptación del martirio, basta ya de eficacia apostólica y de frutos, la Legión debe ser pobre como Cristo y como Cristo tocar a los pobres. Una pobreza que se explica no es pobreza, todo mundo sabe qué es ser pobre y nadie quiere ser pobre salvo el tocado por la locura de la Cruz.
> > La Legión sin pobreza y sin martirio no tiene remedio, seguirá bajo el influjo del padre de la mentira.
> > Nuestro pedófilo fundador nos enseñó a huir de los peligros, por ejemplo sacó a los legionarios de México en las elecciones en que se daba por cierta la victoria de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas; él lo afirmó “no tenemos vocación para el martirio”.
> > Cristo derramó su sangre, el mercenario ve venir el lobo y huye, hemos de ser como el Buen Pastor no cobardes maricones como nuestro pedófilo fundador cuyo único criterio centro y modelo era el dinero como lo es para la actual vida legionaria que con tino se resume en la expresión “millonarios de Cristo”.
> > Padre Álvaro en sus labios que han besado el cadáver del pederasta recurre la palabra humildad, sí lo sabemos, a los legionarios nadie nos gana en humildad y no soportamos a los que faltan a la caridad, somos la esperanza de la Iglesia y la realización de la vida religiosa según el Vaticano II, todo esto lo debemos a nuestro pedófilo fundador depositario de un carisma único por lo cual hemos de estar ciertos que Dios lo tiene en su santa gloria junto a Madre Teresa, san Francisco de Asís y el coro de fundadores.
Seamos pobres, despojémonos de la mentira, caminemos en la verdad. Aborrezcamos a Marcial Maciel, renunciemos a Satanás a sus obras y seducciones, seamos cooperadores de la Verdad cueste lo cueste. María fue una mujer tan pobre que nunca hubiera estado en una reunión del Regnum Christi.
> > Servidor en Cristo sacerdote, Pablo Pérez

Monday, September 19, 2011

a Stubborn Priest

Just found this, interesting

My life as a priest (1960-2011)

 0share28 22
On April 25, 1951, a few months after I turned 14, I entered the Benedictine Abbey in Manila where I lived the monastic life up to the age of 31. I was ordained by Rufino Cardinal Santos in 1960. After Vatican II, I served parishioners in Laguna, Bataan, Pampanga, Caloocan and Bulacan (1967-1974).
Around this time, a psychologist, Fr. Francis Parisi, SJ, administered psychological tests to priests and advised many, including me, to leave the priesthood. He said I was not happy. So, my Benedictine superior had me laicized by Pope Paul VI on Dec. 30, 1974. The bishops later stopped the tests.
I worked as a research assistant at the Ateneo de Manila University and as a cataloguer at the National Archives. I taught in schools in Manila, Pampanga and Baguio.
On Dec. 20, 1984, upon the petition of Tarlac Bishop Jesus Sison, Pope John Paul II reinstated me into the clergy, specifically for Tarlac. The Latin document was signed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (now PopeBenedict XVI).
I served as a priest in Tarlac for six years and six months. Then, with the permission of Bishop Florentino Cinense, the successor of Bishop Sison, I worked as a priest abroad (1991-1994) in the dioceses of  Nelson and Kamloops, Canada; San Francisco, California; and San Angelo, Texas. I was the priest-administrator of St. Charles Parish in Eden from July 1, 1993 to March 23, 1994.
In April 1994, I came back to Tarlac, where I resumed my priestly ministry. But Bishop Cinense showed, by the way he treated me, that he did not like me personally.
In 1996, I sold our small family plot in Angeles and bought a lot in St. Dominic’s Subdivision in Tarlac. I was 59 and planned to spend the rest of my life and ministry there.
Bishop Cinense did not like that. One day, he asked me to stop saying Mass there which I regularly said and, instead, to take over Masses in another area. But since there were already priests assigned to those areas, I requested him to put in writing what he wanted me to do to avoid misunderstanding with those priests. But he evaded me.
In protest, I joined the Baptists of Tarlac. “Good riddance,” Bishop Cinense said, as I learned from friends.
I stayed with the Baptists for four months. Then, I went to Angeles, where I taught in two schools and, later, worked in the Rizal Library of the Ateneo, and did not perform any priestly function (1996-2000).
From December 2000 to March 2005, I served as a guest priest in the diocese of Alaminos. But, without my knowledge and consent, Bishop Cinense and Alaminos Bishop Jesus Cabrera excardinated me from Tarlac and incardinated me in Alaminos. According to Archbishop Oscar Cruz, Canon Law gives bishops the right to do so and Canon Law cancels my human rights.
Bishop Cinense knows that my being incardinated in Tarlac obliges him to look after my own welfare in my old age, just like Fr. Bienvenido Mapili and Fr. Hermogenes de Vera. He excluded our names from the 2010-2011 edition of the Catholic Directory of the Philippines, while other bishops included their own retired priests there.
In his 23 years as bishop of Tarlac, Bishop Cinense did not build even just a modest dwelling for his old priests, while other bishops did so for their own priests. And when he retires, a beautiful house is waiting for him in Baguio.
In 2003, I told Bishop Cabrera that I wanted to retire in my hometown of Angeles. He started pressuring me to stay in the retirement house which he was building in Alaminos. He repeatedly asked me to give him the addresses and telephone numbers of my brothers and sisters who live in the United States and Canada, but I did not give them to him.
In March 2005, I requested Bishop Cinense to recommend me to be a guest priest in my home province of Pampanga. He told me: “I cannot recommend you because, according to a letter of Jose Cardinal Sanchez, I am no longer your bishop.” He refused to show the letter to me because, he said, it was a “bishop-to-bishop communication.” When Cardinal Sanchez came back to the Philippines in 2011, I asked him about this but received no reply.
Since August 2005, I have been a guest priest in Pampanga, my role being as an occasional backup (substitute/assistant) of young priests in saying Mass, hearing confession and answering sick calls. I am also revising and updating my 1997 autobiography titled “And God Brought Me to Eden.”
Once a day, I face the curtain that stands between the dimension of time, where I am, and the dimension of eternity, where Jesus is. The curtain is transparent, so I see Jesus clearly. The curtain is so thin that Jesus is just right in front of me. We communicate without words.
Someday, Jesus will tell me to step from where I am to where He is, passing through this curtain. Then, I will say forever and ever: “And God brought me to Eden.”
Fr. Edilberto V. Santos, 74, lives in Angeles City, where he used to be an altar boy, a sodalist, a Tarsician and a boy scout, some 60 years ago. He spends his time doing research, writing articles and books, and walking inside malls.
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