Saturday, November 9, 2013

Important Legionary, Fr. Deomar De Guedes, Gives up on Reform


Our "sister station", REGAIN, just posted a couple of hot articles,
one of them revealing how of one of the Legion's top and recently appointed Councillors, has decided to leave.

To note is that this mature priest requested to be exclaustrated (live outside the order/community) for 3 years (the usual step away and out of the order) while Cardinal De Paolis only gave him one year to discern his Legionary calling.The REGAIN article contains Fr.'s carefully crafted (and censored by DePaolis?) farewell letter to his fellow Legionaries and members of the Regnum Christi

It appears to the writer that this Legionary is beloved by his confreres and has a wonderful gentle Christian Spirit. Definitely not a Legionary Superior. People like this they either walk away or a thrown away by the Legion.

Despite his humility he is a big fish in the Legion; but not one of the old guard who continue to wield the power...

Fr. has been received by a major diocese in his native Brazil.

"Felicidades, Padre"

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